My Articles
College Acceptance
Minimally Verbal Individuals now can go to a College. College experience is important for all. I was also interested in college education, and I
being minimally verbal, always thought I could not go to college.
Depression can lead to anxiety issues, abuse, poor academic performance, suicides, risks, and violent behaviors, and other mental disorders in future life. Therefore, mental health campaigns are needed for international, female, and diverse students in colleges and universities. behaviors.
The organism forms the other organisms on the earth and form plant or animal as organisms and now they form a species on the earth.The form of new organism is now different from the ancestors in physical and behavior You find the Tiger and the form of cat are from the same form of ancestor but different from each other
Early Intervention
At age 18 months I received an official diagnosis of AUTISM and since then 1 and half year I went through very intensive early intervention they used Verbal Behavior approach in natural environmentSchools
I attended many special education schools in New Jersey.In schools they followed Applied Behavior Analysis(ABA), DIR Floor time, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, supported typing, reflex integration, neuro development approach with some supported typing and rapid prompting method. But they never gave me transcripts and had no college track
Online School
Keystone Online SchoolAlgebra Geometry
Associate Degree in Science
Rowan College of South JerseyFall 2020 - Concepts of Mathematics Spring 2021- Algebra & Trigonometry English Composition I Summer 2021 -Introduction to Computers Fall 2021 - Pre-Calculus & Math Analysis English Composition II Spring 2022 - Introduction to Chemistry Calculus I
Specialization course
BYJU Coding NASA CodingNY - NASA course BYJU Coding course started in 2022
Farm Internship
2017 - Internship on the FarmI gained some volunteering experience working on the farm
2018 - Robotics experience with a buddyLego Boost
Autism Intervention
Early Life
Before First Birthday
Akhil was responding to his name and had a eye contact before his birthday and he regressed into AUTISM after his 1st birthday. Early Intervention started at 23 months.
After Diagnosis
Early Intervention to BioMedical protocol
As we started with Behavior Modification we gradually moved to BioMedical Intervention approach using diet, vitamins supplements under BioMedical doctors supervision
Brain Development
Neuro Development protocol
At age 11 we explored Neuro Development approach after getting trained at the Family Hope Center. Implemented entire protocol for 6 months in India. During this time we were learning about brain development and how the skipping any development stage like crawling, creeping was not good. Akhil definitely had skipped such stages.
Reflex Integration
The MNRI® Method
As we explored the neurodevelopment approach we studied Reflex Integration more in-depth. We combined both approaches and we’re convinced The MNRI® Method was the way to go. After attending many MNRI Family camps.
Before &After
Rapid Prompting Method
First RPM Workshop
As we explored the neurodevelopment approach we studied Reflex Integration more in-depth. We combined both approaches and were convinced MNRI Method was the way to go. After attending many MNRI method camps.
Our RPM journey started 2014
Adaptive Fitness
As reflexes where getting integrated his body functional skills where getting better. He was able to do complex movement activities. Thus we challenged him more with Balance Auditory and Visual exercises(BAVX).
Fitness and BAVX coaching
Independent Typing
Learning to type independent tying using onscreen keyboard. Sept 2020
Dr. Harry Wachs and Dr.Trifeletti
2013- Dr Harry Wachs consultation explaining Akhil’s mind and Dr. Trifiletti – before and after his observations
Social Skills
Care For A Friend
Social Skills Program – Discussion with Ankur about Astronomy and Research. 2016 when Akhil was still typing with support and not even close to independent typing
Akhil 2015 Middle School Graduation
Akhil’s School Teacher Speech
Akhil was exposed to Maths, Geometry, Science, History, and English and expressed himself using IPad. Supported Typing was his mode of communication we Presume Competence
Robotics - LegoBoost
2020 – Akhil’s Robotics Project
Locked down we explored more Robotics with Akhil.
College Acceptance Celebration
Freshman Journey started
Akhil finished his first course in college, and we celebrated his journey. It took 5 yrs for us to get this track started. Many doctors and expressed and congratulated Akhil.
Robotics - Mihir Vemuri (eBorg)
Mihir and Akhil met through his mom
Mihir a determined, perseverant, and hard-working high school student whose strengths lie in mechanical engineering, physical sciences, and problem perception. He was determined to teach Akhil Robotics
Savant Skills - Looking for answers
Savant Syndrome & Searching for Answers w/ Manisha Lad, Dr. Diane Powell, Dr. Paul J. Mills and Tiffany Barsotti. We don’t understand AUTISM and its hard to bring right piece of puzzles if you don’t find them
Dr. Diane Powell and Dr. Deepak Chopra Studies - Video 1
Non Local communication
Dr. Diane Powell and Dr. Deepak Chopra Studies- Video 2
Non Local communication

Exceptional Minds
Exceptional Minds magazine covered the storyAkhil and his college education journey
MNRI Success story
Article in MNRI NewsletterHow MNRI helped Akhil
David & Elisa
Apartment view lake at BrooklynIf you are seeking an Interior designer that will understand exactly your needs, and someone who will utilise their creative and technical skills in parity with your taste, then Suzanne at The Robert Studio is perfect.